Kamis, 26 April 2012


We often think it very funny if a film shows a woman or a girl screaming and running in fright at the sight of a mouse or a cockroach. But we don’t consider our own little, secret fears a laughing matter. Perhaps you shiver at the sight of a snake or an eel, cannot bear to hear the sound of jagged metal rubbing against metal, or feel uneasy in a lift. Fortunately,
Most of us suffer only a mild form of fright about certain things. According to psychiatrists, this is quite normal. It becomes a problem only when the fear develops into a mental condition that affects all aspects of a person’s life. Studies of thousands of people with an abnormal dread show that every time they think about – or come into contact with – the subject of their fear, they
Show all the physical signs of a person who is facing serious danger a racing heart, dry mouth, cold sweat and weak knees. Doctors and psychiatrists welcome publicity about phobias, for this helps to convince their patients that their patients that their fears are not unique. It reassures the patients to know that there are other people who are afraid of the same thing, and it makes the patients
More willing to try to understand what is causing their fear. Once they realize what in their subconscious is causing their fear, they are half-way to being cured. Psychiatrists believe that these unreasonable fears are caused by deep-seated reasons, perhaps a terrifying experience during childhood.
One typical case was Mrs. Mary Bachelor, a London housewife, who suffered from agoraphobia (fear of open spaces). For twenty-three years, she remains indoors. Following publicity about other agoraphobia cases, she was persuaded to go out for the first time to watch her son perform with a pop group.
Most of use suffers from claustrophobia (fear of being in closed spaces) in a mild way, but the real sufferers go about in great fear of being trapped without escape in a lift, in a packed train or in an aircraft. Altogether, there are a hundred and thirty phobias listed in the medical dictionary, ranging form acrophobia (fear of heights) to xenophobia (morbid dislike of foreigners). Some phobias are very odd indeed. There are cases of people who turn cold with terror at the sight of a cabbage leaf, run away in fright at the sight of a bird or faint when they hear a dog bark. There was even a man who refused to eat anything that he knew had been touched by someone who had handled matches. 

1. Fear of certain things will become a problem when the fear ___
A. disturbs all aspects of the sufferer’s life
B. is influenced by a person’s personality
C. develops mentally or physically
D. is reflected in a person’s daily life

2. ‘deep-seated reasons’ (line 17) most likely means reasons that are ___
A. long forgotten
B. difficult to choose
C. not easy to handle
D. difficult to realize

3. To cure their phobias, patients ___
A. should take their unusual fear seriously
B. may have to consider publicity of their fears
C. determine the dangers caused by their phobias
D. try to understand the real cause of their phobias

4. The following statements may be the purposes of the writer in writing the text, EXCEPT ___
A. to explain the causes of different kinds of phobias
B. to convince people about the importence of publicity about phobias
C. to inform people how to overcome their abnormal fears
D. to persuade people with abnormal fears to talk to psychiatrists

5. In which of the following combined courses would this passage probably be used as assigned reading?
A. psychology / sociology
B. medicine / biology
C. philosophy / medicine
D. psychology / medicine

6. More willing to try to ..... what is causing their fear.
A. Understanding
B. Understand
C. Understood
D. Understandly

7. With which of the following sentences should the text end? Show all the physical signs of a person who is.....
A. Facing serious danger a racing heart
B. Men and women have the same right in deciding the color of their rooms
C. The anti military movement in the U.S.
D. Both music and languages basically apply the same rules.

8. One typical case was.... Who is she?
A. Mrs. Nina
B. Mrs. Rini
C. Mrs. Mary Bachelor
D. Mrs. Ida

9. Most of use suffers from.... in a mild way.
A. Agoraphobia
B. Claustrophobia
C. Acrophobia
D. Xenophobia

10.  There are cases of people who turn cold with...
A. Doctors and psychiatrists
B. Abnormal fears to talk to psychiatrists
C. Terror at the sight of a cabbage leaf
D. Some phobias are very odd indeed

Rabu, 11 April 2012

Artikel Kesehatan

sumber: artikel-tentang-kesehatan.blogspot.com/2011/11/pertolongan-pertama-pada-sesak-napas.html

Versi indonesia : Artikel ini sungguh bagus dan mudah dipahamin dari isinya saja oleh si pembaca. Jauh lebih bagus lagi jika di artikel ini dapat uraikan apa penyebabnya muncul penyempitan dan apa upaya yang perlu dilaksanakan seseorang untuk menghindari penyakit sesak napas ditambah juga adanya pengobatan tradisional yang berupa ramuan yang bisa mencegah penyakit ini kambuh lagi. Kalaupun boleh ditambahkan ini adalah ramuan yang bisa mencegah penyakit itu:

  1. Madu
Madu adalah salah satu obat rumah yang paling umum untuk asma. Madu yang dioleskan dibawah hidung dapat membantu penderita asma bernapas lebih mudah dan lebih dalam.
  1. Lemon
Lemon merupakan buah ditemukan berguna dalam pengobatan asma. Jus atau sari buah dari satu buah lemon yang diencerkan dalam segelas air dan diminum bersama makanan, dapat melegakan tenggorokan dan memudahkan penderita asma bernapas.
  1. Teh jahe kukus
Teh jahe kukus dicampur dengan bawang putih cincang yang diminum dua kali sehari (pagi dan sore) juga bisa membantu meredakan asma.
  1. Bubuk kunyit dan susu
Satu sendok teh bubuk kunyit dengan segelas susu yang diminum 2 sampai 3 kali sehari juga bermanfaat untuk penderita asma dan bisa bermanfaat bila diminum dalam kondisi perut kosong.
  1. Campuran madu dan kayu manis bubuk
Campuran satu sendok makan madu dan setengah sendok teh bubuk kayu manis adalah obat rumah yang sangat baik untuk asma.
  1. Bawang putih dan jahe yang direbus dalam susu
Bagi orang-orang yang berada dalam asma tahap dini, obat rumah yang sempurna adalah dengan merebus 8 sampai 10 siung bawang putih dan jahe dalam setengah cangkir susu dan mengonsumsinya pada malam hari.

Versi Inggris:
        This article is really nice and easy dipahamin of its contents only by the reader.Far better if the article appears to describe what causes the narrowing and what efforts need to be implemented to prevent a person plus disease breathlessnessis also a form of traditional medicine herb that can prevent disease recurrence.May be added if this is an herb that can prevent the disease:

Honey is one of the most common home remedy for asthma. Honey applied under the nose can help asthma sufferers breathe easier and deeper.

Lemon is a fruit found useful in the treatment of asthma. Juice or fruit juice of onelemon diluted in a glass of water and taken with meals, can relieve throat andasthma sufferers breathe easier.

Ginger tea is steamed
Steamed ginger tea mixed with chopped garlic that is taken twice a day (morningand evening) also can help relieve asthma.

Turmeric powder and milk
A teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of milk you drink 2 to 3 times a day is also beneficial for asthma sufferers and can be beneficial when taken on an empty stomach.

A mixture of honey and cinnamon powder
A mixture of one tablespoon honey and half teaspoon cinnamon powder is an excellent home 
remedy for asthma.

Garlic and ginger is boiled in milk
For people who are in early stages of asthma, a perfect home remedy is to boil 8to 10 cloves of garlic and ginger in half a cup of milk and eat them at night.

Selasa, 03 April 2012

15 Soal Strukture Toefl

  1. We don’t know ..... we have to change planes or not.
a.       If  
b.      Until
c.       That
d.      When
Jawaban   : A. If
Alasan     : Indirect question
                  Here the conjunction “IF” indriduces an indirect question.
  1. I’ll give you ... medicine to ease you pain
a.       A few
b.      several
c.       Some
d.      Many
Jawaban          : C. Some
Alasan             : some – countable and uncountable nouns
                          The noun medicine is an uncountable one.
  1. I know a man called rupert .... house is near ypurs
a.       Who
b.      Whom
c.       That
d.      Whose
Jawaban          : D. Whose
Alasan             : relative clauses – possession case
Here you are asked whether you know the relative clause   or not.
  1. He won’t take on a secretary... talks too much.
a.       Whose
b.      Which
c.       Whom
d.      Who
Jawaban          : D. Who
Alasan             : relative clauses – subjective case
                        The relative pronoun who can be used in the relative clause.
  1. L like vienna, but i wish it ... a bit hooter
a.       Is
b.      Were
c.       Becomes
d.      Became
Jawaban          : B. Were
Alasan             : Wish clause “we don’t use simple present tense in wish -  clause.
  1. He spends his time .... after grils.
a.       Running
b.      To run
c.       Ran
d.      Runs
Jawaban          : a. Running
Alasan             : spendtime doing sth
Here you are asked about the pattern ‘spend time doing sth’.
  1. Some...don’t like such jokes.
a.       Child
b.      Man
c.       Woman
d.      People
Jawaban          : D. People
Alasan             : some – countable and uncountable nouns some can be followed by both a countable and an uncountable noun.
  1. She’s young and full...life
a.       With
b.      Having
c.       Of
d.      A long with
Jawaban          : C. OF
Alasan             : to be “OF” is used with the preposition; to be full of the stadium is full of people.
  1. He used to drive, but he doesn’t .... more
a.       All
b.      No
c.       Any
d.      Some
Jawaban          : C. Any
Alasan             : any more
Both “ any more” and “no more” are similar in meaning, but the former is used in the negative, and the latter is used in the positive and maks the sentence negative.
  1. She’s too tired to go....
a.       Shooping
b.      To shop
c.       Shop
d.      For shopping
Jawaban          : A. Shopping
Alasan             : got gerund
                        We can use gerund to talk about things we go out to do.
  1. I wonder that .... her marry that stupid old man.
a.       Is
b.      Was
c.       Did make
d.      Made
Jawaban          : D. Made
Alasan             : causative coice + question type asking for the subject.
  1. He threw a vase at the burglar but... him.
a.       Shot
b.      Fired
c.       Missed
d.      Hit
Jawaban          : C. Missed
Alasan             : To miss
                          To fire = to shoot off bullets / arrows
`                         To miss = to fail to hit
                          To hit = to brings something hard against.
  1. He turned and looked...me.
a.       To
b.      For
c.       At
d.      From
Jawaban          : look at
The verb look takes the preposition ‘at’ and look for is a phrasal verb meaning ‘try to find’.
  1. He rarely gets drunk.....?
a.       Doesn’t he
b.      Does he
c.       Won’t be
d.      Will be
Jawaban          : B. Does he
Alasan             : we form tgas with an auxiliary (e.g. do, have, did) or a modal (e.g. can, must, should) plus apronoun (e.g. he, she, it).
  1. Would you mind.....for a minute
a.       Waiting
b.      To wait
c.       Wait
d.      That i wait
Jawaban          : C. Wait
Alasan             : would you mind + gerund
Would you mind...is followed by a gerund and is used for a request.