Versi indonesia : Artikel ini sungguh
bagus dan mudah dipahamin dari isinya saja oleh si pembaca. Jauh lebih bagus
lagi jika di artikel ini dapat uraikan apa penyebabnya muncul penyempitan dan
apa upaya yang perlu dilaksanakan seseorang untuk menghindari penyakit sesak
napas ditambah juga adanya pengobatan tradisional yang berupa ramuan yang bisa
mencegah penyakit ini kambuh lagi. Kalaupun
boleh ditambahkan ini adalah ramuan yang bisa mencegah penyakit itu:
- Madu
adalah salah satu obat rumah yang paling umum untuk asma. Madu yang dioleskan
dibawah hidung dapat membantu penderita asma bernapas lebih mudah dan lebih
- Lemon
merupakan buah ditemukan berguna dalam pengobatan asma. Jus atau sari buah dari
satu buah lemon yang diencerkan dalam segelas air dan diminum bersama makanan,
dapat melegakan tenggorokan dan memudahkan penderita asma bernapas.
- Teh jahe
jahe kukus dicampur dengan bawang putih cincang yang diminum dua kali sehari
(pagi dan sore) juga bisa membantu meredakan asma.
- Bubuk
kunyit dan susu
sendok teh bubuk kunyit dengan segelas susu yang diminum 2 sampai 3 kali sehari
juga bermanfaat untuk penderita asma dan bisa bermanfaat bila diminum dalam
kondisi perut kosong.
- Campuran
madu dan kayu manis bubuk
satu sendok makan madu dan setengah sendok teh bubuk kayu manis adalah obat rumah
yang sangat baik untuk asma.
- Bawang
putih dan jahe yang direbus dalam susu
orang-orang yang berada dalam asma tahap dini, obat rumah yang sempurna adalah
dengan merebus 8 sampai 10 siung bawang putih dan jahe dalam setengah cangkir
susu dan mengonsumsinya pada malam hari.
Versi Inggris:
This article is really nice and easy dipahamin of its contents only by the reader.Far better if the article appears to describe what causes the narrowing and what efforts need to be implemented to prevent a person plus disease breathlessnessis also a form of traditional medicine herb that can prevent disease recurrence.May be added if this is an herb that can prevent the disease:
Honey is one of the most common home remedy for asthma. Honey applied under the nose can help asthma sufferers breathe easier and deeper.
Lemon is a fruit found useful in the treatment of asthma. Juice or fruit juice of onelemon diluted in a glass of water and taken with meals, can relieve throat andasthma sufferers breathe easier.
Ginger tea is steamed
Steamed ginger tea mixed with chopped garlic that is taken twice a day (morningand evening) also can help relieve asthma.
Turmeric powder and milk
A teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of milk you drink 2 to 3 times a day is also beneficial for asthma sufferers and can be beneficial when taken on an empty stomach.
A mixture of honey and cinnamon powder
A mixture of one tablespoon honey and half teaspoon cinnamon powder is an excellent home
remedy for asthma.
Garlic and ginger is boiled in milk
For people who are in early stages of asthma, a perfect home remedy is to boil 8to 10 cloves of garlic and ginger in half a cup of milk and eat them at night.
This article is really nice and easy dipahamin of its contents only by the reader.Far better if the article appears to describe what causes the narrowing and what efforts need to be implemented to prevent a person plus disease breathlessnessis also a form of traditional medicine herb that can prevent disease recurrence.May be added if this is an herb that can prevent the disease:
Honey is one of the most common home remedy for asthma. Honey applied under the nose can help asthma sufferers breathe easier and deeper.
Lemon is a fruit found useful in the treatment of asthma. Juice or fruit juice of onelemon diluted in a glass of water and taken with meals, can relieve throat andasthma sufferers breathe easier.
Ginger tea is steamed
Steamed ginger tea mixed with chopped garlic that is taken twice a day (morningand evening) also can help relieve asthma.
Turmeric powder and milk
A teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of milk you drink 2 to 3 times a day is also beneficial for asthma sufferers and can be beneficial when taken on an empty stomach.
A mixture of honey and cinnamon powder
A mixture of one tablespoon honey and half teaspoon cinnamon powder is an excellent home
remedy for asthma.
Garlic and ginger is boiled in milk
For people who are in early stages of asthma, a perfect home remedy is to boil 8to 10 cloves of garlic and ginger in half a cup of milk and eat them at night.
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